Have your say on mandatory livestock inspection. Register for the 46th Annual General Meeting, President’s Banquet and Tradeshow here.

Beware of Highly Toxic Water Hemlock

MBP has received calls from several producers concerned about the proliferation of water hemlock in their pasture and hay land.

Water hemlock is one of the most toxic weeds in beef cattle production where one root bulb can kill an adult cow in as little as 15 minutes. Water hemlock is a Tier 3 weed under Manitoba’s Noxious Weeds Act. In terms of the responsibility to destroy or control noxious weeds, the Act states a person must “control a tier 3 noxious weed that is on land that the person owns or occupies if the weed’s uncontrolled growth or spread is likely to negatively affect an aspect of Manitoba’s economy or environment in the area of the land or the well-being of residents in proximity to the land.” For more details about individuals’ responsibility related to weed control see: https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/statutes/ccsm/n110.php#3

Read our full info sheet here.

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