Have your say on mandatory livestock inspection. Register for the 46th Annual General Meeting, President’s Banquet and Tradeshow here.

Cows in the Field


Important Updates


REMINDER: Required documentation under the Health of Animals Regulations: Part XII: Transport of Animals. Please refer to the link below from VBP+ for valuable information on what is required and an example of the form to be used.


Find the VBP+ Transfer of Care Record template here.


Are you prepared for possible flooding? The following is some information from the provincial government to help you get organized in the event of an emergency such as a flood.

A reminder about individual responsibilities during an emergency:

Step 1:Producers/Individuals are the first point of responsibility to deal with their own emergency situation.

Step 2: – If individuals cannot provide appropriate response to their emergency situation, their local municipality is the first point of contact for emergency-related information and assistance.

Step 3: – If the local municipality cannot handle the situation, that municipality will contact Emergencies Measures Organization (EMO) for assistance. If EMO requires Manitoba Agriculture’s assistance, they will assign an issue to our emergency coordinator.

Producers who need to transport livestock to an alternate area are encouraged to book a transport company immediately to ensure service.

Below are some useful links related to flooding (forecasts, river and lake levels, etc.), tips for evacuation, Disaster Financial Assistance, etc.

If you do experience flooding and are incurring damages and expenses related to that which may be eligible for Disaster Financial Assistance it is important that you:

  • Take pictures of all damaged property and items before you dispose of anything.
  • Keep track of all your disaster-related repairs and activities including:
    • Labour and equipment hours.
    • Materials used, including quantities.
    • Specific types of equipment used, including make, model, year, horsepower and attachments.
    • Receipts, invoices and other documents you need to support your DFA claim.
  • Keep all receipts, invoices and any other documents for disaster related expenses as they are required in order to support your DFA claim. Invoices submitted to Manitoba EMO must be accompanied by the corresponding proof of payment (e.g. credit/debit slip, cancelled cheque) in order to be considered for eligibility.


Manitoba Beef Producers has compiled the following information which may be useful to producers facing extreme dryness/drought conditions on their farms and ranches. MBP continues to engage in discussions with the provincial and federal governments about programs to help ensure they are responsive to the various factors affecting producers.

Feed-related Resources

Farmers and producers have several options when it comes to listing available hay and straw, and for buying hay, straw and alternative feeds. By no means is this list exhaustive and we encourage you to share other avenues for listing and buying with Manitoba Beef Producers, so that we can share them with our members.

Manitoba Government Hay Listing Service

The Manitoba Hay Listing Service provides an inventory of hay and alternative feed for sale and pasture for rent. If you have hay, alternative feed, or pasture land for sale or rent contact an ARD and MASC Service Centre to have your listing added.

Social Media/Buy and Sell Sites

There are a number of social media and buy/sell sites that provide hay, straw and alternative feed sourcing options:
Kijiji Manitoba
eBrandon Classifieds
Manitoba Hay & Feed for Buy/Sell
Hay / Feed For Sale in Saskatchewan, Alberta & Manitoba
Internet Hay Exchange

Other social media avenues including Twitter also feature hay for sale across the province, however that exchange needs to occur on a user to user basis.

Manitoba Agriculture Resources for Producers Affected by Dry Conditions

Manitoba Agriculture’s Livestock page also has several tools and resources for dry conditions. It covers topics such as: early weaning of calves during periods of drought; the economics of creep feeding beef calves on pasture; stretching feed when supplies are tight; alternative feeds for beef cattle; straw as an alternative roughage source for wintering beef cows; and feed testing, among others.

See: https://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/livestock/index.html

Dry Conditions and Livestock

Putting Crops to Alternate Use (MASC)

  • The current hot and dry conditions are a major challenge for grain and cattle producers in Manitoba. One option is to convert annual crops to livestock feed. The AgriInsurance program provides flexibility for producers to put their crop to alternate use during the growing season. Alternate use means a change to the use of a crop from what was originally intended when planting in the spring. For example, if a producer indicated on their Seeded Acreage Report that they were growing oats for grain but choose to cut it for greenfeed instead, this would be considered alternate use. If producers are considering putting a crop to alternate use (i.e. silage, greenfeed, grazing) for their own use or someone else’s, contact an ARD and MASC Service Centre for more information.
  • Alternative Crop Use Notice (Frequently Asked Questions)

Farm Management

    • Farm management resources are available to help in determining the value of straw or a crop harvested as silage or greenfeed. Decision making tools can also assist livestock producers in weighing their options in managing a forage shortfall.
    • Cost of Production guides are available for different grain and silage crops.
    • The Straw Cost Calculator can help determine the NPK dollar value of the straw as a crop fertilizer.
    • The Forage Purchase Calculator provides a method of comparing the pricing for baled forages and piled silage. This calculator takes into account different moistures and adding in the cost of freight to see what feed purchase is more economical after freight is factored in.
    • The Managing Low Forage Supplies Calculator estimates the forage needed for the herd based on animal category and weight, and identifies the shortfall. It identifies 8 different potential rations to fill the shortfall on a least cost basis that help decide the economics of buying greenfeed compared to hay, straw, and other alternatives.

    Contracts and Leases

    The resources below provide a starting point for farmers as they develop agreements for use in their businesses. The samples are intended for general information purposes only. Please seek legal advice when entering into agreements.

    Sample agreements

    • Cash Lease Agreement PDF (184 KB)
    • Crop Share Lease Agreement PDF (251 KB)
    • Cow-Calf Share Lease Agreement PDF (223 KB)
    • Custom Cattle Feeding Agreement PDF (208 KB)
    • Custom Pasture Agreement PDF (200 KB)
    • Flexible Cash Lease Agreement PDF (193 KB)
    • Pasture Cash Lease Agreement PDF (179 KB)

Water-Related Resources


Groundwater Conditions for a Potential Well: Livestock producers can contact the Water Branch for information and advice on their current well and what the expectations might be if constructing a new well to supply their pasture. Email your contact information and the legal land location of the planned well to Expected Groundwater Conditions. Feedback provided may include aquifer depths, potential pumping rate range, and if available the water quality in the area. A listing of Licensed Well Drilling Contractors is also available.

Private Water System Bacteriological Subsidy Program

The Province of Manitoba offers private water system owners a once-a year subsidy for bacteria (total coliform and E. coli) analysis of their drinking water through Horizon Lab. If the first sample result indicates the presence of bacteria, homeowners will receive a coupon from the lab for one resample free of charge.

Effective April 1st, 2021, the total price to homeowners for the once-a year subsidized sample is $22.31 (tax included). For information regarding sample bottle pick up, sample submission requirements, and payment options, please contact Horizon Lab directly.

Horizon Lab LTD

4055 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3K 2E8

Phone: 204-488-2035

Fax: 204-488-4772


Provincial water well fact sheets and educational videos on well testing, well disinfection, and how to reduce well water contamination are available at https://www.manitoba.ca/sd/water/drinking-water/ . If you have any further questions, please contact the Office of Drinking Water: 204-945-5762.

Beef Cattle Research Council Resources Related to Drought Management



Recurring drought is a natural part of the climate in many areas of Canada and creates a challenge when managing grazing and forage resources. Although droughts are often unpredictable, they are inevitable, meaning they are often at the back of every producer’s mind. Long-term farm and ranch management must include planning for and consideration of how drought will affect the entire system – including plants, livestock and water sources.

Eight tips for drought management:

  • When managing through a drought, consider combining groups of animals to encourage grazing of less desirable plants and grazing pastures with species that are more tolerant of increased grazing pressure. It is important to monitor for toxic or poisonous plants, which are more likely to be grazed during dry years.
  • Sources of water for grazing animals can quickly become limited or unavailable during drought periods. It is recommended that any pastures that could possibly run out of water be grazed first. In some cases, it may become necessary to use a portable stock water supply in order to continue grazing a forage source where water has become limited.
  • Producers should consider pumping water from the source to a trough to help extend water supplies, maintain water quality and prevent cattle from getting stuck in watering sites that are drying up.
  • Stock water quality can deteriorate rapidly. Even if water quantity appears adequate, poor water quality can quickly cause health and production problems and even death. Test stock water sources frequently when animals are grazing.
  • Extended rest periods and increased recovery times are necessary to protect plants during dry periods.
  • Consider planting annual crops, supplementing pastures with alternate feeds, or creep feeding, to help extend grazing resources. Feed testing is an important consideration during dry conditions.
  • Drought management strategies should be a permanent part of every grazing plan. The benefits of rotational grazing and managing pastures to retain litter (plant residue) are especially evident during drought.
  • Drought plans should identify the order of groups or classes of livestock to be de-stocked, if necessary, and at what point each group will be moved if the drought persists.

The following are some current drought management resources available for beef producers.

Miscellaneous Resources

Manitoba Agriculture Crop Reports
The Crop Report provides information on progress of seeding and crop establishment, crop development, any pest activity including weeds, insects and disease, harvest progress, crop yields and grades, fall field work progress, and status of winter cereal crop seeding and establishment. In addition, it provides information on haying progress and estimated yields, as well as pasture conditions. Go to:

Manitoba Drought Monitor
The Manitoba Drought Monitor highlights the various drought management efforts currently underway in Manitoba. This includes monthly Water Availability and Drought Conditions Reports that use drought indicators to classify the level of dryness and to summarize any drought impacts that are occurring.

Canadian Drought Monitor
The Canadian Drought Monitor (CDM) is Canada’s official source for the monitoring and reporting of drought in Canada. From this page you can access a variety of products and information about current drought conditions across the country. See: https://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/agriculture-and-the-environment/drought-watch/canadian-drought-monitor/?id=1463575104513

Agroclimate Impact Reporter Program
The Agroclimate Impact Reporter (AIR) helps to connect Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) with people in Canada’s agricultural community. AAFC relies on its network of AIR volunteers to provide information regarding agroclimate impacts across the country, such as the effects of dry conditions/droughts on production. Manitoba Beef Producers notes that cattle producer input to this network is important.

The AIR network provides valuable and reliable data that are mapped and used in the assessment and development of policies and programs including AgriRecovery and the Livestock Tax Deferral Provision, which can provide assistance to the industry during extreme weather and climate conditions and events.

The AIR survey is open during the last week of the month over the growing season (April to October) and is intended to collect weather and climate impacts on farm operations across Canada over the previous month. Survey results are made into maps and published on the Drought Watch website the first week of every month during the growing season.

To participate, visit: https://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/agriculture-and-the-environment/drought-watch/agroclimate-impact-reporter/?id=1463575416544

Mental Health Resources

For information about the Manitoba Farm and Rural Support Services line go to:  https://supportline.ca/ or call 1-866-367-3276 (line operates 24/7).

Klinic Community Health has resources available. See: https://klinic.mb.ca/

FCC also provides resources at the following site: https://www.fcc-fac.ca/en/community/wellness.html


Due to the dry conditions, parts of Manitoba have been affected by wildfires. The following is information that may be useful to producers affected by these conditions, or those preparing for the possibility of a wildfire.

Protecting livestock and crops

Source: Manitoba Wildfire Evacuation Guidelines

  • Owners should have an evacuation plan for livestock threatened by fire. If animals can’t be moved to a safe area on your property, make and confirm transportation and feeding arrangements in advance. Obtain insurance coverage for all farm resources at risk from fire, including crops and livestock.
  • The risk to farm animals can be reduced by preparing and maintaining fuel-reduced areas. Livestock can be moved and held there during a fire. Use a plowed or heavily grazed field with a minimum of grass or stubble. If possible, this field should be shaded and located well away from any forested areas. Water should be available.
  • Concrete or metal buildings located away from forest vegetation are another livestock shelter option.
  • As a last resort, if you are unable to move livestock to a safer area, cut fences and turn the animals loose, as long as there is no danger to people or traffic.

For more information about preparing for a wildfire, go to: https://www.gov.mb.ca/sd/fire/Prevention/Wildfire%20Evacuation%20Brochure%202011.pdf

Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development also has information about evacuating livestock. See:  https://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/animal-health-and-welfare/emergency-preparedness/caring-for-livestock-during-an-evacuation.html

Emergency Planning Kit

SafeWork Manitoba has a 7-Step Safety and Health Emergency Planning Kit which contains information about how to prepare for different types of emergencies on the farm or ranch. It includes forms such as: a farm critical information sheet; family members/workers emergency contact information sheet; emergency contact sheets; and, a sample farm site map(s), among other tools for scenario planning. See: http://www.ecolog.com/daily_images/1002957109-1002962408.pdf

Manitoba’s Wildfire Service

Manitoba Conservation and Climate Wildfire Service is responsible for the prevention, detection and suppression of wildfires.

To report a Wildfire call 1-800-782-0076 (toll-free).

The Wildfire Service’s website includes valuable information such as:


Manitoba’s Home Owner’s FireSmart Manual

Wildfire Safety – Fire and Travel Restrictions

Manitobans Affected by Evacuations

Fire Prevention Tips

Other Useful Links

Current municipal burning restrictions


Provincial fire and travel restrictions


Government and Other Agency Contact Information

Manitoba Government Inquiry

1-866-626-4862 (toll free)

Email: mgi@gov.mb.ca




Manitoba Hydro Emergency Information

1-888-624-9376 (toll-free)



Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization – EMO

1-888-267-8298 (toll-free)

Email: emo@gov.mb.ca


Disaster Financial Assistance – EMO

1-888-267-8298 (toll free)

Email: dfa@gov.mb.ca



Additional Information:

Manitoba Beef Producers participated in the Animal Health Emergency Management Project which saw the development of a number of resources to help producers in various sectors prepare for a potential emergency, with a focus on an animal-disease outbreak. For more information on the producer handbook, visit: https://animalhealth.ca/ahem/resources/


Stay up to date on upcoming events, district events, and our Annual General Meeting by visiting the Events page here.

Livestock Predation Pilot Project

Predation is a significant concern for livestock producers in Manitoba, and for some, predators such as coyotes, wolves, or black bears can cause devastating financial losses. In 2020, a three-year, industry-led Livestock Predation Prevention Pilot Project was launched with the aim of reducing wildlife predation of cattle and sheep in Manitoba. Project funding came from the Province of Manitoba, as well as Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) and the Manitoba Sheep Association (MSA).

The multidisciplinary committee responsible for planning and delivery of the project (the Livestock Predation Protection Working Group) has representation from Manitoba Agriculture, Manitoba Wildlife, Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, commodity groups MBP and MSA, as well as the Manitoba Trappers Association.

The pilot project is now complete after testing multiple livestock predation risk mitigation practices (RMPs). The following resources are the result of livestock producer feedback from the on-farm testing of RMPs in the period 2021 through 2023.


Predation solutions for various seasons

Predation solutions for calving and lambing [PDF]

Predation solutions for summer pasture [PDF]

Predation Solutions for weaning and fall confinement [PDF]


“How to Guide” for Mitigating Livestock Predator Attacks [PDF]


Participant Feedback

Solutions for livestock predator problems in Manitoba

The results you will see are from real world testing and producers who gave honest positive and negative reactions to their experiences. Check these items out to see if they are right for your farm.


  1. Cow bells fact sheet [PDF]
  2. Cow bells [video]

Livestock producers are all familiar with the concept of cow bells, a simple metal bell attached to a collar around the cow’s neck. Small dairies used cow bells to find cows to round them up for milking time when small herds were on pasture between milkings. The question investigated in the pilot project was: Does a cow bell stop predator attacks on pasture livestock in the modern era? We tested cow bells and had positive and negative comments.

  1. Predator resistant livestock pens [PDF]
  2. Predator resistant livestock pens [video]

Livestock producers who are concerned about coyotes, wolves or bears attacking their livestock may want to consider a predator resistant fence made with either seven high tensile electric wires or predator page wire with apron and a predator proof gate. The pilot project pen testing was completed on eight Manitoba farms during the years 2021-2023. Results indicate that the five acre predator resistant pen was indeed effective at stopping predator attacks on livestock.

  1. Fladry wire [PDF]
  2. Fladry wire [video]

Fladry is a line from which brightly-coloured flags are suspended. The fladry line can supplement an existing fence in order to prevent canine predators from accessing livestock. The novelty of the flags provides a psychological barrier for canine predators. Electrified fladry is known as turbo fladry; it improves and extends the effectiveness of a fladry system. Variable results were reported by pilot project producers who used fladry to protect their herds and flocks.

  1. ElectroNet fencing [PDF]
  2. ElectroNet fencing [video]

Livestock producers who are concerned about coyotes, wolves, or bears attacking their sheep may want to consider a portable ElectroNet fence to keep unwanted predators away from their livestock. Project pen testing was completed on nine Manitoba farms during the years 2021-2023. Results indicate that ElectroNet penning was indeed effective at stopping predator attacks on livestock.

  1. GPS collars [PDF]
  2. GPS collars [video]

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have become part of nearly every production system in the world. GPS is now showing promise to help producers manage livestock and help detect and deter predator activity that could harm the herd/flock. Livestock GPS testing was completed on nine Manitoba farms during the years of 2021-2023. Results indicate that monitoring livestock with GPS helped producers do wellness checks and could also be an alert to producers of problems in the field.

  1. Light sources [PDF]
  2. Light sources [video]

Livestock producers who are concerned about having coyotes, wolves, or foxes attacking their livestock may want to consider the use of solar foxlights to distract and reduce predator activity near livestock pens. Solar foxlights are one of the simplest predator deterrents. They are a little bit bigger than a hockey puck and create a varied time and color light show once the sun goes down. This unusual light display is intended to confuse and scare predators out of the general area for a few weeks of a predator risk season.

  1. Game cameras [PDF]
  2. Game cameras [video]

Livestock producers who are concerned about coyotes, wolves, bears, cats or foxes attacking their livestock may want to consider the use of game cameras to document the identity and behavior patterns of predators. Game cameras have incredible technology to capture photos day or night of predators or livestock in order to better manage hunting, trapping and hazing of predators.

  1. Deadstock composting [PDF]
  2. Deadstock composting [video]

Livestock producers who are concerned about coyotes, wolves, or bears attacking their livestock may want to consider a deadstock composting pen which is intended to limit food sources for predators close to their livestock operation. Deadstock pen testing was completed on 14 Manitoba farms during the years of 2021-2023. Results indicate that the composting pens are very effective at stopping predators from obtaining scavenged food from mortalities.


Links to Livestock Predation Prevention Resources

A Ranchers Guide: Coexistence Among Livestock, People and Wolves

Livestock and Wolves: A Guide to Nonlethal Tools and Methods to Reduce Conflicts

Electrified Fladry for Deterrence of Gray Wolves: An Evolving Manual of Best Practices

Living with Livestock and Wolves

Wild Predator Loss Prevention Best Management Practices for Cattle

Reducing Conflict with Grizzly Bears, Wolves and Elk: A Western Landowners’ Guide

Lines of Defense: Coping with Predators in the Rocky Mountain Region

Mitigating Cattle Losses Caused by Wild Predators in British Columbia

Codes of Practice & Assurance Programs

Follow the link below to learn about compliance-related topics like the Beef Cattle Code of Practice, Verified Beef Production Plus, producer and industry benefits, research and biosecurity.

Visit the Codes of Practice & Assurance Programs page here


There are various tools and risk management practices that beef producers can apply to keep livestock healthy.

MBP biosecurity resource

The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), along with consultation from provincial beef organizations and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), developed a biosecurity standard which outlines the general practices and guidelines to implement biosecurity to control and reduce the risk and impacts of diseases in herds.

Canadian Beef Cattle On-Farm Biosecurity Standard

The beef biosecurity standard is voluntary, cost effective, and designed for on-farm application in operations of all types and sizes across Canada. The basics of the biosecurity standard are found in the producer guidebook developed by Manitoba Beef Producers.

Manitoba Beef Producers Biosecurity Guidebook (PDF)

If any producers are interested in biosecurity signage for their land, or for land they rent or lease such as Crown lands, MBP has created a template that producers can print off themselves or send to a sign company to have signs created. Please click the link below for the template and then save the PDF file.

Biosecurity Sign Template (PDF)

Resources to keep your herd healthy and, as always, please consult your veterinarian on which herd health protocols will work best for your operation.

Vaccine Guidelines (PDF)

Resources to help with early detection of various issues that can impact culling and transportation decisions.

Resources for Decisions Related to Culling and Transportation (PDF)


From time to time MBP hosts free workshops of interest to beef producers. Stay tuned to the Events page on our website for upcoming dates and topics.


MBP Scholarship

Manitoba Beef Producers is pleased to make available six $1,000 scholarships annually for MBP members or their children attending a university, college, other post-secondary institution or pursuing trades training. Preference will be given to those students pursuing a field of study related to agriculture or to those acquiring a skilled trade or pursuing a career that would be beneficial to the rural economy.

This application process is for students who will be undertaking post-secondary studies or trades training in the 2025-26 academic year.  The deadline to apply is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 20, 2025.

The scholarship eligibility criteria is as follows:

• Must be an active Manitoba beef producer or the child of an active Manitoba beef producer. Note: This can include beef producers returning to school after a period of time in the workforce.

• Post-secondary program or trades training must be a minimum of one year in duration in the 2025-26 academic year.

For more information please click here or contact Manitoba Beef Producers at 1-800-772-0458 / email info@mbbeef.ca.

*The 2024 scholarship winners’ essays are available in the November edition of Cattle Country

Annual Report

Manitoba Beef Producers’ Report to Members features a look at the issues affecting beef producers’ operations, details on MBP committees and the work they are doing, and reports from MBP’s national organizations.

2024 Report

Click here to view the 2024 Report to Members

2023 Report

Click here to view the 2023 Report to Members

2022 Report

Click here to view the 2022 Report to Members

2021 Report

Click here to view the 2021 Report to Members

2020 Report

Click here to view the 2020 Report to Members

2019 Report

Click here to view the 2019 Report to Members

2018 Report

Click here to view the 2018 Report to Members

2017 Report

Click here to view the 2017 Report to Members

2016 Report

Click here to view the 2016 Report to Members

2015 Report

Click here to view the MBP 2015 Report to Members

2014 Report

2014 MBP Annual Report

2013 Report

MBP 2013 Report To Members

2012 Report

MBP 2012 Report to Members


MBP Policy

Much of Manitoba Beef Producers’ work involves providing feedback on government policies, as well as proposed legislative and regulatory changes that could affect our beef industry.

MBP provides input on a broad range of issues including: the environment, animal care, business risk management programs, land and water management, disaster financial assistance, workplace safety and health, trade, competitiveness, and many, many more.

As well, MBP develops policies and conducts advocacy work based on the resolutions coming from members at our district meetings and debated at our Annual General Meeting. View a list of resolutions passed at the most recent MBP AGM by clicking here (page 15).

Stay Involved. Get Active!

MBP encourages all beef producers and stakeholders to stay involved and provide feedback on issues that are important to the beef industry.

Record Keeping

Pen and paper? A detailed calving book or day planner? Spreadsheets? Google Docs? Herd Management Software?

There is no one size fits all!

Whether you choose to use a basic system or data management software, the key is to select the system that works for you and how you plan to find the information you need to make management decisions.

These resources may help you decide on a record keeping system or help you hone in your current system.




Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+)

To encourage uptake of VBP+ in Manitoba, MBP is launching an incentive pilot to encourage adoption and to enhance data management for producers who are already VBP+ Certified.


  1. Facilitate the adoption or enhancement of herd data collection and data management.
  2. Encourage enrollment and support in quality assurance programming.
  3. Improve the supply chain for certified sustainable programs with Manitoba certified sustainable cattle.
  4. Enhance traceability and facilitate movement reporting.
  5. Help off-set VBP+ audit costs for our members.

Incentive Program Details

  1. New to the VBP+ program or due for a recertification audit this year? $500 MBP financial incentive with proof of audit completion.
  2. Already a certified and not due for a recertification? $500 MBP rebate with proof of purchase of hardware and/or software that enhances on-farm data collection and/or data management.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: subsequent annual data management program subscription costs are the responsibility of the purchaser.

Eligible items:

  • RFID wand or panel reader
  • Costs associate with initial purchase and set up of Herd Management Software such as, but not limited to:
    • CattleMax
    • HerdTrax
    • Herdly
    • BioTrack 360
    • LivestockED
    • Scale components compatible with RFID readers
    • Any new or emerging software

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be residents of and raising cattle within Manitoba.
  • Applicants must be a member in good standing with Manitoba Beef Producers. MBP’s administration by-law states that, “Every person who is determined by the Board of Directors to be actively engaged in the raising of cattle in Manitoba, and who pays all fees to the Association in the manner and in the amount imposed on sellers of cattle pursuant to regulations made by the Board of Directors from time to time” is a member in good standing.
  • Directors and staff of MBP are not eligible for this program.

How to apply

Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis.

For producers new to the VBP+ program or for those due for recertification, send us proof of recent completion of successful audit to receive your $500 financial incentive.

For producers who are already certified and not due for an audit, send us proof of purchase of equipment and/or software that initiates or enhances data collection and/or data management to receive your $500 MBP rebate.

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