MBP Statement re: Added Levy to Cattle and Other Commodities to Fund Keystone Agricultural Producers
Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) has advised Manitoba Beef Producers it is seeking to expand the collection of its annual membership fee as outlined in the Agricultural Producers’ Organization Funding Act to more commodities, including cattle.
MBP was not consulted about this and does not support this. MBP is continuing to investigate the potential implications of KAP’s decision for our members and the sector on whose behalf we so proudly work.
By way of background, on August 25 KAP sent correspondence to Manitoba commodity groups stating as follows: “KAP is the certified organization under the Agricultural Producers’ Organization Funding Act. This enables us to receive the funds generated through the check off system. The levy will be applied by designated purchasers (e.g., grain buyers, abattoirs, supermarkets) who buy agricultural product (e.g., cattle, grains, wool, honey, eggs) directly from Manitoba producers. The annual check off is capped at $262.50, plus GST.”
This Act and accompanying regulation state that designated purchasers of agricultural products are to withhold a percentage value of the product, that being 1% of the gross selling price payable by a designated purchaser.
Producers with questions about how this collection process will work should contact the Keystone Agricultural Producers office at 204-697-1140 or email kap@kap.ca .
Manitoba’s cattle producers already pay check-off dollars to fund invaluable beef sector-related work at both the provincial and national levels. This includes advocacy on a wide array of issues and opportunities, as well as research and promotional activities aimed at stimulating, increasing and improving the well-being of the cattle and beef industry. Some recent MBP activities include: securing aid for producers affected by weather-related disasters; the Livestock Predation Prevention Pilot Project; and, advocacy work re: business risk management programs, Crown lands issues, vet shortages, front-of package labeling on ground beef, livestock transportation, and much more. We value your support and input.