Potential Funding Opportunities Available for Beef Producers in Manitoba
This information document compiled by Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) is intended as a resource providing high-level information about the different funding streams available to beef producers in Manitoba. Note: MBP does not endorse one program over another.
Click here for the full document.
Please note:
- All information is up to date as of July 5, 2023.
- Producers may wish to consult with their business advisors, etc., as to the best approaches for their individual operation.
- For specific information on program details including eligibility and stacking limits, please contact the individual delivery agents.
- Program delivery and eligibility may differ within an agency and/or geographical area. Please consult the individual delivery agent for detailed information on local program availability.
- This is not an exhaustive list. If your organization has any programming that you wish to feature in this document, please contact Manitoba Beef Producers at:
P: 204.772.4542
TF: 1.800.772.0458
F: 204.774.3264
Visit: mbbeef.ca