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1.25 pounds of ground beef
Seasoning of your choice
Cheese (optional)
Burger buns
Assorted toppings

Preheat your smoker to 225 degrees F.

Shape your ground beef into 5 patties, making sure the sides of the burgers are well defined. Put burgers in freezer for 20-30 minutes before cooking, to help firm them up.

Season burger patties on both sides with seasoning of your choice

Place the patties on the smoker and smoke for 50 – 60 minutes, or until the internal temperature of your burgers reads 145 degrees.

Optionally, increase the heat in your grill to searing temperature. Sear the burger patties for about 4 minutes on both sides. Add cheese after the first flip.

If not searing, continue to smoke until internal temperature is 165 degrees.

Build burger with toppings of choice, and enjoy!

Watch the video here: https://fb.watch/6WCUbi5uED/

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