Role & Mission
Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) is the exclusive voice of the province’s cattle industry, representing approximately 6,000 producers in the cow-calf, backgrounding and finishing sectors. MBP is a non-profit organization with a producer-elected board of 14 directors representing different geographic areas of the province. Its vision is a vibrant, prosperous, respected, sustainable beef industry in Manitoba.
Find out where your check-off dollars are spent and why your support is crucial to the success of your organization.
MBP’s mission is to represent the province’s beef producers through communication, advocacy, research, education, and leadership within the industry, to governments and to the public. These efforts take place to strengthen the sector’s viability, improve prosperity and ensure a sustainable future for the beef industry in Manitoba for the benefit of our beef producers and all Manitobans.
To represent our Manitoba beef producers and their well-being is more than a job, it is work that we are passionate about and to which we are deeply committed.
Board of Directors
District 1 comprises of: Boissevain-Morton, Brenda-Waskada, Grassland, Deloraine-Winchester, and Two Borders
Alfred Epp
Boissevain, MB
TF: 204-305-0897
District 2 comprises of: Argyle, Cartwright-Roblin, Killarney-Turtle Mountain, Lorne, Louise, Pembina, and Prairie Lakes
Mark Schram
Cartwright, MB
TF: 204-529-2173
District 3 comprises of: Cartier, Dufferin, Grey, MacDonald, Portage la Prairie, Rhineland, Roland, Stanley, Thompson and those portions of Montcalm, Morris and Ritchot.
Andre Steppler
Miami, MB
TF: 204-750-1951
District 4 comprises of: De Salaberry, Emerson-Franklin, Hanover, La Broquerie, Piney and Stuartburn, Montcalm, Morris, Ritchot, Springfield, Ste. Anne, Tache, R.M. of Piney and Reynolds
Byron Falk
Grunthal, MB
TF: 204-371-0529
District 5 comprises of: Cornwallis, Elton, Norfolk-Treherne, North Norfolk, Oakland-Wawanesa, Glenboro-South Cypress, and Victoria
Steven Manns
Austin, MB
TF: 204-526-0426
District 6 comprises of: Pipestone, Riverdale, Sifton, Souris-Glenwood, Wallace-Woodworth, and Whitehead
Brian English
Rivers, MB
TF: 204-724-2469
District 7 comprises of: Ellice-Archie, Hamiota, Prairie-View, Riding Mountain West, Rossburn, Russell-Binscarth, and Yellowhead
Tyler Fulton (2nd Vice-President)
Birtle, MB
TF: 204-842-3353
District 8 comprises of: Clanwilliam-Erickson, Glenella-Lansdowne, Harrison-Park, Minto-Odanah, Oakview, North Cypress-Langford, Rosedale, and West Lake-Gladstone
Matthew Atkinson (President)
Neepawa, MB
TF: 204-476-6879
District 9 comprises of: Alexander, Brokenhead, East St. Paul, Lac Du Bonnet, Rockwood, Rosser, St. Andrews, St. Clements, St. Francois Xavier, West St. Paul, Whitemouth, Woodlands, the LGD of Pinawa, Reynolds, Springfield, Ste. Anne & Tache
Trevor Sund
Woodlands, MB
TF: 204-461-0621
District 10 comprises of: Armstrong, Bifrost-Riverton, Fisher and Gimli
Mike Duguid (Secretary)
Camp Morton, MB
TF: 204-642-7630
District 11 comprises of: Coldwell, Grahamdale, St. Laurent, and West Interlake
Arvid Nottveit (Vice-President)
Moosehorn, MB
TF: 204-659-2408
District 12 comprises of: Alonsa, Lakeshore, McCreary and Ste. Rose
Mark Good (Treasurer)
Alonsa, MB
TF: 204-767-2127
District 13 comprises of: Dauphin, Ethelbert, Gilbert Plains, Grandview, Roblin and Mossey River
Mary Paziuk
Dauphin, MB
TF: 204-647-2020
District 14 comprises of: Minitonas-Bowsman, Mountain and Swan Valley West
Dale Cazakoff
Durban, MB
TF: 306-594-4449
- Carson Callum
General Manager
- Maureen Cousins
Policy Analyst
- Deb Walger
- David Hultin
Communications and Marketing Lead &
Editor, Cattle Country
- Jennifer Patryluk
Administrative Assistant
- Melissa Atchison
Research and Extension Specialist
Select a district below to see more information.
Manitoba Beef Producers is Your Voice as a Beef Producer
We are beef producers working to help ensure a sustainable future for the beef industry in Manitoba for the benefit of all beef producers.
We Are the Exclusive Voice of the Beef Industry In Manitoba
- Our operations are not funded by government.
- We are not a government entity.
MBP is your organization, funded by your check-off dollars. Your continued support makes your voice and industry stronger. The $3 per-head MBP check-off you pay promotes and defends beef producers’ interests and livelihoods through a united effort.
What Does MBP do for Producers?
- We ADVOCATE for beef producers on provincial and federal issues.
- We PROVIDE a forum for discussion and the development of policies to benefit producers.
- We FUND numerous research projects and work with research partners to meet our needs in the cattle industry.
- We SUPPORT members with information on government policy, and developments in research and production to maximize profitability.
- We COMMUNICATE with the media and public to highlight issues and promote beef.
Invest in the Check-off and Support MBP Efforts in Key Areas Such as:
- Insurance programs and business risk management
- Effects of disasters on the sector
- Agricultural Crown lands
- Predator programs
- Environment issues
- Trade and market access
- Animal care
- Bovine tuberculosis
- Research
- Traceability
- Biosecurity
- Workplace safety and health
- National beef policy
- Feedback on government legislation and regulations affecting the beef industry
- Promotion of positive beef sector messages and beef nutrition information
Benefits MBP Provides:
- Representation and a voice through your vote at district meetings and the annual general meeting.
- Manitoba representation and membership in the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and the National Cattle Feeders’ Association.
- Age verification services.
- Free subscription to Cattle Country, MBP’s newspaper.
- Free subscription to MBP’s electronic newsletter and email updates on current issues.
National Check-off (NCO)
The national check-off is a mandatory levy of $2.50 per head collected on cattle sales throughout Canada to fund research and marketing activities on behalf of the entire industry. It is collected from cattle producers when they market their cattle using existing collection systems involving auction markets, order buyers, brand inspectors and others who handle cattle sales.
Invest Your Check-off Dollars in Your Organization
A $5.50 per head check-off is collected at the point of sale on all cattle sold in Manitoba. Of this, $3 per head goes toward funding the activities of Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) on behalf of the local beef industry, and $2.50 per head goes towards the National Check-off Agency to fund its activities. MBP’s (legal name: Manitoba Cattle Producers Association) levy is collected under the authority of the Cattle Fee Regulation. The national check-off is not refundable, but the MBP levy remains refundable.
View a copy of the Cattle Fee Regulation
View a copy of the Cattle Information Regulation
The goal of the national check-off is twofold, to increase sales of domestic and export beef and to find better and more efficient methods of producing beef and beef cattle. The national check-off generates over $8 million annually and is a critical source of revenue to fund initiatives that will advance the industry and build strong markets for Canadian cattle and beef.
The national check-off solely funds research and marketing activities and does not provide any funding to the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association which is funded separately through provincial organizations.
The national check-off provides industry funding for the Beef Cattle Research Council responsible for the industry’s national research program as well as funding for Canada Beef Inc. and their work in domestic and U.S. marketing and market development in Mexico, Asia, and more recently Russia and the Middle East.
An independent study evaluating economic benefits from the national check-off shows that Canadian beef cattle producers’ funding of research and marketing activities has delivered strong return on investment—and compared to other commodities falls squarely within the range of values reported for other regions and commodities and is higher in some cases.
While the national check-off provides the core industry funding for research and marketing, it does not fully cover the costs of all programs and activities. Supplementary funding is obtained by leveraging the national check-off, attracting $6 for every $1 of producer check-off funds. The national check-off provides “industry funds” used as the basis to access matching dollars from other sources.
At the present time, Canada’s beef cattle check-off does not apply to live animals exported from Canada, nor does the levy apply to imported cattle and beef products. It is estimated that application of the national check-off to imported product would generate an additional $800,000 annually.